Danske fiskerier er MSC-certificerede.

We bring together Danish fishers. We cooperate with local fisheries associations, and with more than 600 vessel members, the Danish Fishers PO is one of the largest producer organisations in EU.

Diverse fisheries. Inshore fishers, industrial fishers, bottom net fishers, fishing with towed gear, Norway lobster fishers and mussel fishers.
The Danish Fishers PO represents them all, both large, medium, and small vessel.

Danish fisheries are sustainable.
We have af strong focus on sustainability – and are working hard to become even better.
Both when it comes to social, economic, an environmental sustainability. 

For codfish, flatfish and shellfish, our fishers account for 90 % af Danish catches. 
We help secure up to 16,000 jobs, especially around the port communities in North and West of Jutland.

The Fishers of Denmark

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Once the fisherman has caught the fish, it is landed in the port, processed and exported to near and far.
Especially in northern and western Jutland, where the importance of fishing cannot be underestimated.

We contribuate: 16,000 full-time aquivalents and 1,8 billion €.
The fishermen’s catches are the backbone of af large sector with a significant footprint on the Danish economy. 

Sustainable fisheries – both when it comes to economic and social sustainability.

Read more about sustainability